6. Event creation is in demand — users want to create both public and private events.
5. "Random Event" is a hit — the swipe feature intrigued all respondents.
4. Reviews need motivation — users are willing to share their opinions, but they need an incentive.
3. "Favorites" are useful — users plan their trips in advance, so saving events is important for them.
2. Location matters — the event’s location is critical, and it should be emphasized on the event card.
1. Simplicity over volume — users avoid overloaded services, and the interface should be intuitive.
In-Depth Interviews
Goal — to uncover insights about user needs and behavior to make the product more convenient and valuable for them.
I conducted personal interviews with each participant, allowing for a better understanding of user needs.
After defining the target audience, I selected respondents that met the criteria. Before the interviews, I formulated hypotheses and prepared questions based on them.
Our users
4. People seeking excitement. Looking for new experiences and ways to diversify their lives.
3. Explorers of the new. These individuals are active, attend local events, travel often, and are open to new experiences and connections.
2. Instagrammable spots enthusiasts. They value unique locations where they can not only take stunning photos but also experience exciting emotions to share on social media.
1. Tourists. They want to explore the city and gain new experiences.
Target Audience Definition